Statistics are showing an astounding 75% conversions on this ranking factor. According to Quarterly Intelligence Briefing: Digital Trends for 2013 content is emerging as the number one marketing trend for a company's brand budgets. Of those surveyed 39 percent say it is the number one priority and emerging digital trend.
This is not at all surprising since we know that quality content inspires audiences to want to share and act. With the ease of access and popularity of today’s social media platforms, you must make quality content worth its weight in marketing dollars.
While some companies focus on link popularity, Network Handlers places a high value on content marketing strategies beyond that of traditional link building. Network Handlers content marketing services include quality fresh and original content. This can be infographics, white papers, blog posts, and eBooks. We also work in collaboration with our content marketing team comprised of individuals from every department, including an SEO strategist, copywriting manager, and graphic designer.
We employ these strategies and more with the goal of increasing your website's overall rankings and authority through high-quality content signals.